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Fill in & Submit the Form

* Mandatory Fields

Personal Information

(Chinese Visitors: Please select the PRC Resident Identity Card for your Type of Identity Document.)
In accordance with the policy, all visitors should complete real-name authentication, the name on this pre-registration form should be the same as the name on your identity document.
Please enter a 9-digit ID of Home Return Permit, including 1 English alphabet and 8 numbers.

Company Information

Please review that your postal code and address  are correct. Please inform the organizer immediately if your address is changed.
(If there is no Postal Code, please enter "0")
(If there is no Area Code, please enter "0")
(If there is no Area Code, please enter "0")


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To ensure the health and safety of all participants of the trade fair, and in accordance with the Chinese government's policy, the real-name authentication is required for all visitors. Please present your valid health code/health document, Identity Document, (Passport / Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents / Mainland travel permit for Taiwan residents), this confirmation letter, and 2 of your name cards when redeeming your visitor badge.
To ensure the health and safety of all trade fair participants, and in accordance with the Chinese government's policy, real-name authentication is required for all visitors. Please present a valid health code/health document, identity document (Passport / Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents / Mainland travel permit for Taiwan residents), this confirmation letter , and 2 of your name cards when redeeming your visitor badge.

For enquiries about visitor pre-registration, online payments and invoice & receipt issues, please feel free to contact

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