MDBE solvents are safe and environmentally friendly, with the advantages of low toxicity, low odour, low VOCs, low water content, low colour, low acid value, safe to use, etc., and are not classified as hazardous in regulations.MDBE solvents have excellent solvency, and are well miscible with urethane resins, acrylic resins, polyester resins, alkyd resins, epoxy resins, etc. MDBE solvents have a wide boiling point and a long distillation range, which helps to regulate the evaporation rate of the whole solvent system. MDBE solvents have wide boiling points and long distillation ranges, which can help regulate the volatilisation rate of the whole solvent system.MDBE solvents have good miscibility, miscible with most organic solvents, easy to adjust the formulation.MDBE has unique volatilisation characteristics, volatilisation is very slow at room temperature, and the volatilisation rate is accelerated as the temperature rises.MDBE solvents improve the performance of the paint film