1.High temperature resistant thermoplastic resin.melting point 343℃,which the long- termuse temperature approved by The United States UL is 260 ℃.It also maintains high strength at -198℃
2.The abrasion loss in the Taber abrasion test is extremely small.
3.It has excellent insulation and stable electrical perform ance for use under high temperature,high pessure,high frequency and high speed,high humidity and other environments.
4.Excellent chemical resistance Among ordinary chemicals, only concentrated sulfuric acid can dissolve or destroy it, and its corrosion resistance is simil ar to nickel steel.
5.Excellent resistance to all kinds of radiation.and can withstand high doses of gamma rays and maintain physical properties that are unchanged.
6.PEEK film with a certain thickness has fir e resistance properties,and the combustible products are low smoke and non- toxic.
7.Able to have alower water absorption rate (0.04%) can be used in 200℃ water vapor for a long time.